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Legal News and Blog
Cool Stuff We Have Done
Note: This list is far from comprehensive. Just stuff we are especially proud of. *** Between 2022 and 2023, we have filed at least 14...
Modern Asylum Law and Domestic Violence: A Primer
In recent weeks the migrant crisis at the border has become a heated topic and so the concept of ‘seeking asylum’ has been the subject of...
BIA holds a woman who was enslaved by guerrilla fighters provided "material support" to terrorists
On June 6, 2018, the Board of Immigration Appeals decided the case of A-C-M-, a Salvadoran woman who was kidnapped and enslaved by...
9th Circuit Reverses Asylum Denial of Chinese Citizen Tortured for Protesting Government Demolition
In June 2009, Xinbing Song was notified by his local government in Hunan province that a building in which he owned a property would be...
The Eleventh Circuit grants Venezuelan journalist's appeal and request for political asylum
On March 2, in an unpublished opinion, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a decision of the Board of Immigration Appeals and...
What Does the Case of Melania Trump Tell Us About the "Extraordinary Ability" visa? Not that hard.
The Washington Post reported yesterday that Melania Trump was a recipient of the "Extraordinary Ability visa," which the article...
Sheridan Green thanked for assistance in getting the Fifth Circuit to recognize equitable tolling
On July 28, 2016 the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decided Lugo-Resendez v. Lynch, 831 F.3d 337 (2016), which held for the first time...
The Ninth Circuit holds that witness tampering is not a CIMT
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Duran v. Lynch, No. 12-70930 (9th Cir. Jan. 20, 2017) was asked to determine whether California...
Fifth Circuit criticizes immigration appeals attorney
In an unpublished decision on Wednesday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals criticized an immigration attorney in the case of...
The AAO issues revised National Interest Waiver framework, vacating Matter of NYSDOT
On December 27, 2016, the Administrative Appeals Office of USCIS issued a new precedent, Matter of Dhanasar, 26 I&N Dec. 884 (AAO 2016),...
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